
Thank you for visiting MyKikitori.com. This is a listening practice site for anyone who is looking for extra listening practice in beginning Japanese. Each lesson here closely follows the grammar and vocabulary introduced in the textbook, Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Volume 1 Second Edition published by The Japan Times. With an easy two-step process, you can practice your listening comprehension at your own pace.

Most lessons consist of two listening exercises, followed by comprehension check questions. You can listen to the exercises as many times as needed. There are two speeds for each exercise: Natural Speed and Slow Speed. Natural Speed audio files are in most native speakers’ speaking speed, and also contain background noises that would actually be heard in the real-life situations. Slow Speed audio files are spoken in much slower speed than native speakers’ speaking speed, without any background noises, to help you better understand what is being said. After listening to an exercise, proceed to the accompanying comprehension questions. Questions are in audio format, in hopes to better assist you in improving your listening comprehension of questions. Questions in Lessons 1 through 6 can also be viewed in text. Upon completing the questions, you can check the answers by clicking Finish Now.

MyKikitori is created as a Master of Arts project by Aiko Sato at San Francisco State University. Listening comprehension skill is very important for any foreign language learner to have in order to be able to speak the target language. Without listening skill, speaking skill is difficult to cultivate. However, there are not enough resources for beginning Japanese learners to practice their listening comprehension, so MyKikitori was created to help beginning Japanese learners develop their listening skill. For any inquiries, please contact mykikitori@gmail.com.